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Tervetuloa Autokoulu Econ toimipisteeseen Espoon Kivenlahteen!
Meriusva 1, 02320 ESPOO, Kivenlahti. Soita 0500 844996
Toimisto avoinna MA - TO klo 10 - 17 ja PE klo 10 - 16.
Phone 050 5525198 Check from Map join a course - WebAuto


  • You get 30 to 60 days interest-free payment period
  • You can choose when you want to pay

    Resurs Bank's Autokoulu-tili offers you the opportunity to finance driving school fees. Autokoulu-tili funding can be applied for even before starting the driving school. The applicant for financing can also be another family member. Autokoulu-tili gives you 30 to 60 days interest-free and expense-free payment period for your purchases. You decide yourself at what rate you want to pay for your purchase. After receiving the invoice, you can pay the entire amount at once or choose the payment option that suits you best. Switching from one payment program to another is easy, and you can continue to choose the most suitable option for your situation.

    You can apply for credit to the account up to, for example, €2,000, and it is just the account's available funds. The size of the working capital itself does not affect the expenses of the account. Only the choice of the installment plan and the amount of the debt affect the payment costs. Opening an account is free of charge, and no fees are charged for the account if there is no debt capital. Be sure to check out to the terms of the account credit. Open to yourself Autokoulu-tili.

    Example: €1,500, 12 months with a payment option. Annual interest rate: 0%. Processing fee/month: €3.90. APR: 5.40%. Credit costs: €46.80. Total payable: €1,546.80. Installments/month: €128.90, 12 installments. The driving school account is a continuous credit with a minimum credit limit of 1,500 euros. Other use of the credit may result in a higher or lower effective annual interest rate. Creditor: Resurs Bank AB, Suomen sivuliike.

    Apply for credit via this link

    The credit's general account conditions
    Funding provided by Resurs Bank

  • Tervetuloa Autokoulu Econ toimipisteeseen Espoon Kivenlahteen!
    Meriusva 1, 02320 ESPOO, Kivenlahti. Soita 0500 844996
    Toimisto avoinna MA - TO klo 10 - 17 ja PE klo 10 - 16.
    Phone 050 5525198 Check from Map join a course - WebAuto

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    Autokoulu Eco Espoon Kivenlahdessa osoitteessa Meriusva 1, 02320 Espoo. Toimistomme sijaitsee Kivenlahden metroaseman vieressä. Autokoulu Econ y-tunnus: 1149257-3. Tarjoamme parasta ajo-opetusta (B) henkilöautolla Espoossa laadukkaasti ja edullisesti. Saat valita automaattivaihteisen tai manuaalivaihteisen auton. Meiltä EAS teoriatunnit ja riskien tunnistamiskoulutus opetuslupaopetukseen. Vuokraamme autot ajokokeeseen ja voit ostaa yksittäisiä ajotunteja. Lisäksi tarjoamme palveluita kuljettajakoulutusken jatko-opetukseen. Tutustu Autokoulu Econ nettikauppaan. Driving training in Espoo also in English. Tervetuloa kokeneiden osaavien ja motivoituneiden ajo-opettajien Autokoulu Ecoon.
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